30 N. Michigan Ave. Suite 225

Chicago, IL 60602 USA

(312) 263-3235


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm





340 Lathrop Avenue,

River Forest, IL 60305 US

(708) 366-6411

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are the most reliable and natural-looking tooth replacements available. Placed by your expert dentists--Dr. John Lynch, Dr. dental implantsSheila Lynch and Dr. Frances Lynch of Lynch Dental Center in Chicago and River Forest, IL--these prosthetic teeth help thousands of people annually have complete and fully-functioning smiles after tooth loss. Learn about their many benefits here.

What is a dental implant?

It's an artificial tooth, replacing a natural root and crown with a titanium screw, metal alloy post and porcelain crown. Because the screw-like implant is inserted directly into a healthy jaw bone during a simple oral surgery, this dental prosthetic is very predictable, long-lasting and stable.

The secret to the 97 percent success rate of dental implants in River Forest and Chicago is a process called osseointegration, says online journal, Dental Economics. Human bone just loves titanium, and after implant placement, the jaw permanently integrates with the device. The result is a new tooth that cannot decay and that should last at least 20 years, or even a lifetime, depending on the age of the patient.

Why implants are popular

The American Academy of Implant Dentistry says that 3 million people in the US have dental implants, and it's projected that that number will grow by half a million implants every year. Why are dental implants so popular in River Forest and across the country? They provide patients with many benefits that conventional fixed bridgework, partial dentures, and full dentures cannot. Traditional prosthetics often require substantial enamel resurfacing on neighboring teeth, making speech unclear, especially as people age. They can also slip or fall, making eating a chore.

Conversely, dental implants do not adversely impact adjacent teeth, and they are rock-solid stable because they are anchored right into the patient's jaw bone instead of being simply set on top of the gum tissue.

Additional benefits

While a dental implant initially costs more than a conventional tooth replacement, it rarely requires replacement. Also, it continues to encourage bone growth throughout the patient's lifetime.

Finally, dental implants may be applied in many ways:

  • The single-tooth implant
  • To stabilize removable dentures
  • To anchor fixed bridgework or full dentures

Who can qualify

Your River Forest and Chicago dentists can determine if you are a candidate for dental implants. They perform a complete oral examination and take X-rays to ensure the following:

  • Good oral health
  • Good systemic health
  • Sufficient jaw bone density

Additionally, people who brush and floss regularly and who are non-smokers do best with dental implants. Routine in-office and at-home hygiene avoids an infection called peri-implantitis. Resembling advanced gum disease, this infection often leads to implant failure and removal.

Are you ready for a new smile?

Why not contact Lynch Dental Center in Chicago and River Forest, IL today for a dental implant consultation? Solve the problem of your gapped smile by calling today.

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